Thinking About a Part Time Job at Uni? Here's What You Need To Know!

Part time jobs are the perfect way for students to earn some extra cash and gain a variety of experience. However, it can be tough deciding whether juggling a job and uni work is the right option for you. Read on to discover all you need to know about maintaining a part time job while at university. First off, before even applying for a job, you need to make sure that you have a National Insurance Number. This is provided by the government and is mandatory if you wish to work in the United Kingdom. National Insurance contributions are paid if you are earning more than £153 per week. Kickstart your journey to a new job today! The Benefits Did you know that 8/10 students are working part time while at university? It is no secret that the majority of university loans do not cover the cost of living, so acquiring a part time job is a sensible idea to remain financially comfortable… you might even end up with a bit of extra cash to treat yourself! It will also keep you occupied in your down time and give you a well needed break from the stress of studying. The skills that you receive from your part time job will be extremely beneficial in the future – people skills, teamwork, initiative and confidence are all factors that will help you to stand out amongst other candidates when applying for jobs after university. Balancing University and a Job It is common for students to believe that a part-time job will put a strain on their studies. Although a challenge, it is very possible to handle. Here are a few tips that will help you to balance both studying and working:

  • Stay Organised: Keep a calendar or diary and note down all of your shifts, deadlines, social events, etc. This will stop you from feeling overwhelmed and reduce the risk of double booking yourself.
  • Honesty: It is likely that your employer will understand the stress you are under from university. If you are asked to work overtime, don’t feel pressured in to agreeing every time. If you need to take a step back, do not feel ashamed to do so.
  • Communicate: Ensure that your boss knows when you can’t work. A good thing about a part time job is that shifts are usually flexible – you will find yourself with far more freedom in choosing when to work.

Finding a Job Once you have decided to apply for a part time job, the next step is actually finding one. Most Student Unions will have a job board that you can check out and the option of actually working for the university is likely to be available. If it is coming up to the festive period, then finding a job should be very easy. These periods are always busy and companies will be grateful for an extra pair of hands. Good luck!