The National Student Housing Awards - Recognition of Quality

Hold UP … did you hear that The National Student Housing Awards were announced the other day?!

If you don’t know much about these awards, not to worry, we’re here to clue you up on all things student living!

The survey began back in 2007, and it’s run by Red Brick Research. Every year, students from across the UK and Ireland will vote on all aspects of their student accommodation experience.

The project began to provide institutions with the necessary information to support the students and their welfare in accommodations. It focuses on sooo many areas, such as costs, environmental responsibility, customer service and broadband levels.

They’re unique in comparison to other awards, as there are no nominations and no ‘expert’ judges. It’s solely the student’s voice which has control.

On the scale, it takes the feedback from over 30,000 students dotted across the UK and Ireland, about both University-owned and private accommodation.




students having fun together


At Prestige Student Living (a trading name of Homes for Students Ltd), we pride ourselves on offering exceptional student accommodation which provides a university experience unlike any other.

That’s why we’re beyond thrilled to announce that we won the category for…


This category is awarded to the student housing providers which achieve 90% satisfaction amongst international students.

And, we’re also overjoyed to announce we were a finalist in the category for…


This is a brilliant achievement for us at Prestige Student Living, as we aim to provide everyone with superfast wifi to complement their studies


national student housing awards


We wanted to say thank you so much for our nominations and awards during this year’s National Student Housing awards, and a massive congratulations to all the other winners!

The 2021 National Student Housing Awards are based exclusively on direct feedback from over 30,000 students across 200 universities and colleges. With no written nominations and no ‘expert’ judges, the National Student Housing Awards are uniquely credible and highly prized.

Data for the awards are collected through the Global Student Living Index (UK & Ireland). Registration to participate in the next wave of the Global Student Living Index, running from 1st October to 30th November 2021, is now open.