Can You Still Get Into a Good University Through Clearing?

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If you get rejected from university, can you still apply through clearing?  

Yes absolutely! If you’re anxiously waiting for a-level results day and are wondering what to do if you don’t meet the grade requirements or if you don’t have any offers from any UK universities, then keep reading.

We’re going to give you all the details on what you need to know to apply, including when it opens, how to apply and guidance to help you through the clearing process.

UCAS clearinf

What Is Clearing?

So, you will have heard of clearing but you may be wondering what it is and who can apply?

Well, clearing is how universities and colleges fill any places that they still have available on their courses. Which in turn, helps uni applicants find and apply for such places.

A common misconception about clearing is that the courses are those that nobody wants but this isn’t the case, you can still get into a good uni through applying in this way. In 2021, over 70,000 received a university place via the clearing service.

If a student misses their grade requirements, they may be able to apply for the same course through clearing. The same goes for those who haven’t received any conditional offers from universities, the clearing service gives them a second chance to study at a higher education institution.

Furthermore, those who haven’t made an application in the same year but decided they want to go to uni can apply for a university place directly through clearing. We’ll talk more about who can and cannot use the clearing service below.

Who Can Apply Through Clearing?

  • those applying after 30 June
  • you didn’t receive any offers (or any you wanted to accept)
  • you didn’t meet the conditions of your offers
  • you’ve paid the multiple-choice application fee of £26.50
  • you’ve declined your firm place using the ‘decline my place’ button in your application

Who can apply to clearing
When Does Clearing 2022 Open?

Clearing is open from 5 July and closes on 18 October so there’s plenty of time to make use of this service if you want to study an undergraduate course.

Its open now if you have your grades already but aren’t currently holding an offer from university, so you can use the service to the 2022/23 academic year!

However, if you have conditional offers but find on a-level results day that you missed your grade requirements, you can enter Clearing from 18th August.

Clearing 2022

Does Every Uni Offer Places Through Clearing?

Universities that offer spaces through clearing changes year on year and depends on courses that are available.

Oxford and Cambridge along with other competitive Russell Group universities don’t take part in clearing, this is because they simply don’t have any remaining spaces on their courses due to high demand.

Similarly, competitive degree courses such as medicine, dentistry and veterinary science to name a few don’t offer places through clearing. This is because they’re usually full and have a waiting list in place.

You can check whether a university offers places through the clearing search tool or find courses to suit you which still has places available on the UCAS website here.



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How To Apply Through Clearing

You can apply through clearing on the UCAS website once you’ve searched for courses or universities that are of interest to you.

Like we said earlier, the application dates for clearing are open from the 5th of July till 18th of October.  So, whether you’re applying through clearing on results day or before or after the process is similar.

If you’re applying through clearing on a-level results day and have already made an application for university then you won’t need to pay the UCAS fee of £26 and can use your already existing personal statement.

If this is your first time applying and you’ve decided to go to uni at the last minute, then you’ll need to create a personal statement and pay the UCAS fee.

After filling out your details you will be given a clearing number and from there you will need to reference this to the university and course you’re applying for.

You should call the university to see if they still have places available and double check you meet their grade and entry requirements. Upon speaking with them you’ll need to give the Clearing number and your personal ID number, so they access your online application.

If you are successfully offered a place, you can accept it through using the UCAS website or by verbally accepting it. Remember though, you can only apply for one at a time using the clearing service but if you get declined, then you can apply for another and so forth.

Applying through clearing

Clearing Plus

A great new tool to make use of is Clearing Plus which allows applicants to find the perfect course (s) for them that have availability and what universities are looking for candidates.

The service is available to those who are unsuccessful with their application or are applying to uni for the first time.

The tool allows applicants to be matched to universities and courses based on their application and the information that universities have told UCAS they’re looking for.

After using this tool, applicants will be able to see a button in their application called ‘See matches’ which allows them to see a full list of relevant matches that may suit them.

Applicants can show their interest in a course by clicking the ’I’m interested’ button which will pass their details onto the university or college, who may get in contact with them and offer a place.

Clearing plus is a great tool to make use of to find another place on an undergraduate course. However, students should also research clearing vacancies and ensure they are calling universities directly to attempt to secure a place as you don’t want to chance it that a university will contact you – it’s best to be proactive!

The great part about applying through UCAS clearing is that there is tons of support available to help you if you need it. You can contact UCAS by calling them or by using social media, find out more about who to speak to here.



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There you have it, our guide to securing a place at university through clearing. We hope we’ve managed to expose the myth that clearing offers the courses nobody wants, it’s not true! You for sure can get into a good university and have a great student experience using this service.

We wish you all the best if you’re currently waiting on your a-level results to determine where you will be attending uni. And if you do need to go through clearing whether it’s because you missed your grade requirements or had a change of heart, then you’ll be super prepared.

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