Freshers Flu or Covid: Symptoms, Treatments and How Not To Panic
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With it being only a few days until a-level results day as well as Freshers Week 2022 being on the horizon, we’re sure you’re super excited for all the fun you’re going to have during your first few weeks at university! However, you may be worried about suffering with freshers’ flu or coronavirus, if you are then stick with us.
We’re going to be discussing the symptoms and treatments of freshers flu and covid, as well as how you can manage your anxieties regarding getting unwell during freshers.
What Is Freshers Flu?
First of all, lets discuss what freshers’ flu is for all of you that are still unsure. Going out in fresher’s week is a staple of university life and a rite of passage for students. It’s a time for partying, getting to know new people and exploring your university city or town.
However, it’s not without its challenges and it isn’t all fun and games – sad vibes, we know.
Freshers’ week will have an impact on your health and no matter what you try and do to prevent it, you’re most likely going to come down with a case of the fresher’s flu and feel under the weather.
This is due to the fact that there are tons of people from across the UK and even other countries mingling together and mixing germs, not only during fresher’s week but within the first few weeks of university.
This then causes a range of colds and bugs, and due to a number of factors like a poor diet of junk food, heavy alcohol consumption, added stress, a lack of sleep and poorer hygiene this leads to a melting pot of illness and a weakened immune system.
Despite being called a ‘flu’ it’s more like a mild cold and isn’t anything to be too worried about.
You can find out about which symptoms to keep an eye out for and how to treat yourself if you suffer from freshers’ flu below.
Symptoms Of Freshers Flu
Freshers flu isn’t ideal and will leave most likely leave you bed-bound, so it’s important to keep an eye on yourself and watch out for any symptoms.
Here’s a few of the common symptoms of fresher’s flu that you may suffer with:
- Sore throat
- Runny or blocked nose
- Cough
- Headaches
- Fatigue or weakness
- Headache and fever
- Nausea
- High temperature
- Feeling groggy
- Loss of appetite
- Loss of sense of taste or smell
Symptoms will vary for different people, but essentially the signs are similar to that of a bad cold. You’re going to feel rotten but don’t worry, there are treatments you can follow within this article.
Treatments For Freshers Flu
If you do come down with a case of fresher’s flu, then don’t panic! You’ll be fine and most of the people around you like your flatmates will probably come down with it too, so you’ll be in the same boat.
There’s a variety of treatments for the fresher’s flu, which are pretty similar to those you take when you’re suffering with a cold or the flu such as lempsip, cough medicine, paracetamol, throat spray and nasal spray.
Other great ways to get yourself feeling better is to ensure you’re eating a balanced diet, getting a good night’s sleep (8 hours) and drinking a lot of fluids like water and tea.
We’d also suggest taking some multi-vitamins and having a nice warm shower, as steam is great for opening your nasal passages and helping with congestion!
You should speak to your friends and family if you do become unwell, so they can keep an eye on you and cheer you up if you do feel a bit down in the dumps. As not only can being unwell impact upon your physical health but your mental health too.
It is important to ensure you do look after yourself if you become sick, as forcing yourself to do too much will only make you feel worse – FOMO is not worth you feeling awful.
After all, you’ll have the whole year to go out and meet people and make memories. You’ll only be in bed for a couple of days (typically about 3-4) and be back out feeling better in no time at all!
It’s also a great opportunity to catch up on any TV shows you’ve missed whilst being busy or facetime your friends or family whilst resting!
Symptoms Of COVID-19
We’re sure we don’t need to introduce you to what covid is, as if you’ve been around for the last two- and a-bit years and haven’t lived under a rock, then you’ll know about it.
However, let’s just remind ourselves a bit about covid as thankfully, restrictions have been completely lifted in the UK for quite some time now.
COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus with the symptoms being similar to that of colds and flu, which is why those who are suffering from freshers’ flu may think they are suffering from covid instead.
Symptoms vary from person to person as well as depending on which strain you have been infected with, but mostly they include a high temperature, a cough and a loss or change to your smell or taste.
Here’s a list of symptoms in adults to watch out for:
- a high temperature or shivering (chills)
- a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours
- a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste
- shortness of breath
- feeling fatigued or exhausted
- an aching body
- a headache
- a sore throat
- a blocked or runny nose
- loss of appetite
- Diarrhoea
As you have seen, the symptoms for freshers’ flu and covid do bare similarities so it can be confusing to determine which of the two you’re suffering from.
The best thing to do is to do a test as its better to be safe than sorry, you can find out more about testing and treating yourself for COVID-19 below.
Treatments For COVID-19
Let’s give a little refresh on the treatments for covid, as despite restrictions no longer being in place and life returning to ‘normal’, it hasn’t gone away.
Unfortunately, you could still catch this virus during fresher’s week so it’s important to look out for the symptoms and look after yourself if you do become unwell with the virus.
If you think you might have covid then try to do a test. Although free testing may be a thing of the past, you can still collect lateral flow tests in shops and chemists.
Some people can still get free COVID-19 rapid lateral flow tests from the NHS if they:
- have a health condition which means you’re eligible for COVID-19 treatments
- are going into hospital
- work in the NHS or in adult social care
In terms of treatments for coronavirus (COVID-19) you should try to stay home if you do test positive for the virus, the NHS recommends easing mild symptoms by resting, drinking plenty of fluids and taking painkillers.
Despite it not being compulsory to self-isolate if you’re suffering from covid, you should get plenty of rest and stay away from others. To not only reduce the risk of any infection spreading, but also so you can get yourself better without any distractions.
Most people only have with mild symptoms from COVID and can treat themselves at home especially if you have received all the vaccinations. The best thing to do is get in bed with some water and take paracetamol or ibuprofen if you feel uncomfortable.
You can find out more about how to manage symptoms of the virus here.
If you’re at a higher risk of becoming seriously ill, then there are other precautions and treatments for covid you should take, you may be prescribed antibody and antiviral medicines.
If you do start to become seriously unwell whether it be freshers’ flu, covid or any other illness, then it’s important to speak to 111 or your local GP, as these professionals can offer the best treatments and guide you with what to do.
To conclude, it’s unlikely that you’ll get seriously unwell during freshers’ week, so don’t stress yourself out too much. Just acknowledge any signs of illness and look after yourself, chances are you’ll be suffering from the common freshers flu rather than covid.
You have the rest of your student years to go out partying and meeting new people, a few days to look after yourself during freshers week and take some time to get your health back up will do a world of good – the party life can wait!
Freshers week also isn’t the only time you’ll get poorly during your course of university, so don’t be worried its normal and inevitable, especially during the colder months!
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